Why veterans are such great job candidates

Memorial Day is a good day to mention why veterans are among my favorite clients - and have been for years. I’ve seen how well they do in business schools, always favorites there too. They’re disciplined, tenacious, resourceful and financial services organizations (among others) also love them.  

Many of the officers I work with have come from tough backgrounds and have fought hard to make it. They understand the value of team work. That’s just one of the reasons why organizations love hiring them.

I've had clients who have done several tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, but have never held a job outside of the military. I’ve seen them start from scratch, build networks, pick up the skills they’ll need for success in civilian life. It's great to watch.  
But the sequester is taking a bite out of tuition remission, along with a lot of other services for veterans, making it harder for our veterans to get the education they need. It's outrageous that they have to pay for an education after what they’ve been through.  

No one’s ever accused me of being a super patriot, but maybe Memorial Day is a good reminder that the rest of us need to pay special attention. Not just for today, but every day.